Prairie Planting 101: How to Create Your Very Own Prairie Garden

Prairie Planting 101: How to Create Your Very Own Prairie Garden

Prairie planting is a truly fulfilling way to garden, offering the unique combination of both natural beauty and ecological benefits. If you’re wondering, "What is a prairie planting?" keep reading and you'll learn how to establish your own prairie garden, a method that's practical for all sorts of spaces, from large backyards to smaller urban areas. We'll run through the basics of planting your own prairie garden, from choosing the right plants to understanding and appreciating the advantages of your local ecosystem. Let's explore how you can bring a touch of the prairie's natural charm to your own outdoor space.

What Is a Prairie Garden?

You've probably heard of a prairie, but what is a prairie garden? A backyard prairie garden is inspired by the vast, open grasslands that once covered much of North America. These idyllic great plains have inspired garden enthusiasts for generations. This type of garden is designed to replicate both the natural beauty and ecological functions of these picturesque prairies. Typically, planting a prairie garden includes a variety of native grasses and wildflowers that are indigenous to the prairie ecosystem.

The key focus in a prairie garden is working with plants that are well-suited to your local climate and soil conditions. This results in a garden that requires less water, fewer fertilizers and minimal upkeep compared to traditional landscaping. The choice of native plants means these gardens are resilient and adaptable to the local environment.

What Kinds of Plants Are Typically in a Prairie Garden?

Prairie gardens are celebrated for their assortment of robust and adaptable plant species. These backyard prairie gardens typically feature a blend of highly textured and colorful plants that are native to the growing region.


For prairie planting, grasses are more than just background plants; they are essential for providing structure and stability. These rich and textured grasses are chosen for their ability to thrive in their local climates and soil conditions. They play a crucial role in creating the foundation of the prairie garden, offering both functional and aesthetic benefits. Their deep root systems help in soil conservation and water retention, making them an excellent choice for eco-friendly landscaping.


Wildflowers add splashes of color and attract a variety of every gardener’s best friend, pollinators! Our buzzing, winged pals are essential for a healthy garden ecosystem just like flowers are essential for our mental well-being. These plants are selected for their ability to coexist with the grasses, creating a harmonious and vibrant display. Planting a prairie garden with an abundance of wildflowers that bloom at different times throughout the growing season ensures a continually evolving and visually engaging landscape.


Perennials are another important component of planting a prairie garden. Adored by gardeners of every stripe, these plants return year after year, providing consistency and reliability. They are chosen for their resilience and ability to flourish alongside grasses and wildflowers. Perennials in your prairie planting contribute to the overall biodiversity and help in creating a self-sustaining ecosystem. Besides, many of gardeners’ most prized garden favorites are oh-so-easy perennial plants.

Planting a prairie garden of textured grasses, radiant wildflowers and trusty perennials results in a diverse, low-maintenance and ecologically sound space that mirrors the beauty and resilience of natural prairies. This variety not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of the garden but also supports a wide range of wildlife, contributing to local biodiversity. Regardless of the garden’s size, it provides a restful stop to relax and enjoy nature.

What is a Prarie

What Are the Best Plants for a Prairie Planting

Choosing the right foliage and flowers for your prairie planting is crucial for a successful backyard prairie garden. Here's a list of some of the best options when planting a prairie garden, each with its own unique benefits:

  • Milkweed (Asclepias tuberosa): Essential for monarch butterflies, milkweed provides crucial habitat and food for these pollinators.
  • Purple Prairie Clover (Dalea purpurea): Attracts bees and butterflies, enhancing pollination in the prairie garden.
  • Prairie Dropseed (Sporobolus heterolepis): Offers fine-textured foliage and a pleasant aroma, adding additional sensory appeal.
  • Coneflowers (Echinacea): Drought-tolerant and attracts various pollinators, adding vibrancy and life.
  • False Indigo (Baptisia): Provides striking foliage and blooms, enriching the garden's aesthetic.
  • Rattlesnake Master (Eryngium yuccifolium): Unique in appearance, it adds visual interest and attracts pollinators.
  • Tall Joe Pye Weed (Eupatorium fistulosum): Great for attracting butterflies and creating a intriguing focal point in the prairie garden.
  • Blazing Star (Liatris): Known for its tall, showy spikes of vibrant purple flowers, attracting butterflies and hummingbirds.
  • Prairie Smoke (Geum triflorum): Features distinctive seed heads and early spring flowers.

These plant recommendations were selected for their ecological benefits, visual appeal and ability to attract and support wildlife, making them ideal for prairie planting.

Prairie Planting Planning

Planting a prairie garden is an exciting journey! It's all about planning and considering what makes a garden grow best. Think about things like space, sunlight and what plants you love. Getting these basics right from the start means you're on your way to creating a backyard prairie garden that's not just good-looking to our eyes but also kind to the environment and welcoming to our pollinator friends.

  • Determine Your Planting Space: Consider the size of your yard when planting a prairie garden. In smaller spaces, be very selective with your plants to maximize visual impact. Larger spaces give you more flexibility with your prairie plantings.
  • Know Your Zone: Knowing your hardiness zone helps you understand your local climate and what plants will thrive in your area. Knowing your zone helps you pick the perfect plants for your prairie planting to flourish.
  • Check Your Soil: Understanding your soil is a key step in garden planning. A quick soil test can tell you about its type and what it might be lacking. Armed with this info, you can choose plants that are just right for your garden's specific soil conditions or amend the soil if needed, paving the way for a thriving and vibrant prairie garden for years to come.
  • Pick Native Plants: Choose native prairie plants for a resilient, low-maintenance garden. They're naturally adapted to your area and particularly beneficial for local wildlife, helping to create a balanced ecosystem right in your backyard.
  • Choose a Layout: Think ahead. Plan your backyard prairie garden layout with care. Consider the height, color, gesture, and texture of plants to create a visually balanced space. A well-thought-out arrangement not only looks good but also ensures each plant thrives where planted. Put short prairie plantings in the front so they are not overwhelmed by their taller companions.

Remember, creating a prairie garden is about more than just planting; it's about cultivating a sustainable, environmentally friendly outdoor area. Smart planning and selecting suitable plants pave the way for a vibrant, eco-friendly garden.

Backyard Prairie Garden Tips

Starting a backyard prairie garden is a fun and rewarding project. Careful planning and some digging will set your garden up for success for years to come. Here are some tips to get you going:

  • Start Small: Begin with a small area. It's less daunting and lets you figure out what works best. Plus, a small, well-cared-for space is perfect for trying out prairie planting ideas. Observe and see what works!
  • Soil Prep: Test your soil before you start. Knowing what you're working with helps you pick the right plants and make any needed tweaks to the soil. Amend the soil if needed to get your prairie plantings off to a great start.
  • Plant Diversity: Choose plants for your prairie planting with different bloom times. This is key for a lively garden that attracts a variety of pollinators and wildlife and stays interesting all year long.
  • Maintenance: Prairie gardens are generally low-maintenance but need some love, especially when you're just starting out. Watering, weeding and a bit of extra care in the beginning will set your backyard prairie garden up for success.
  • Seed Saving: Collect seeds from your plants at the end of the season. This not only saves money by providing seeds for the following year but also helps control the spread of your plants, keeping them manageable and healthy. Seeds can also be shared with gardening pals.

Remember, whether you are planting a prairie garden with seeds or plants, each has its benefits. Seeds can cover larger areas more economically, while plants offer a head start on growth.

Benefits of a Backyard Prairie Garden

Planting a prairie garden in your yard offers numerous benefits. Not only do prairie plantings make your outdoor space look great, but they also have serious environmental perks.

  • Environmental Impact: The roots of most prairie plantings go deep into the soil, sometimes as much as two to three times their height. This helps in multiple ways:
    • Soil Enrichment: The deep roots of prairie plants greatly enhance soil quality, adding richness and strength.
    • Natural Filtration: The roots excel in filtering out air and water pollutants, purifying our environment.
    • Erosion Prevention: Their roots' depth and density significantly reduce soil erosion and help in flood control.
    • Carbon Absorption: Prairie plantings are effective in capturing atmospheric carbon, contributing to climate health. Think global, act local.
  • Wildlife Support: Prairie gardens are a mini sanctuary for local wildlife. Planting a prairie garden provides a habitat and food source for various creatures, especially pollinators like bees and butterflies. This helps maintain biodiversity in your area, which is essential for a healthy ecosystem, regardless of where you live.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: Beyond the environmental and wildlife benefits, prairie plantings are simply beautiful to look at. They bring a touch of natural, wild beauty to your backyard, changing and evolving with the seasons. Planting a prairie garden makes your outdoor space not just a place to relax but also a spot to enjoy nature's beauty.

How To Forage in Your Backyard Prairie Garden

Now that you've successfully grown your prairie plantings into a thriving prairie garden, it's time for the best part - foraging in your own backyard! With Oasis Forage Products' specialized foraging tools, you can sustainably harvest the fruits of your labor. Collecting seeds and cuttings can help you propagate your favorite plants for the next season or even share them with fellow gardening enthusiasts. For those plants that offer edible parts, foraging can be a delightful way to explore new flavors and connect with the natural world right in your backyard. When you forage from your backyard prairie garden, you do more than just collect plants or seeds. You're actively participating in the life cycle of your garden.

Sustainable harvesting means taking only what you need and ensuring you don't harm the plant populations. This approach helps maintain the ecological balance of your prairie planting, supporting the local wildlife and preserving the natural beauty and diversity of your prairie planting. By foraging responsibly, you ensure that your garden continues to thrive and serve as a sustainable, self-regenerating ecosystem.

After foraging for flowers from your prairie planting, it's time to bring the beauty of your prairie garden indoors - and Oasis Forage Products has just what you need to help your arrangements look their best. Thanks to our Forage Create kits, you'll have everything you need in one convenient package. Wet floral foam and cut flower nutrition ensure that your wildflower arrangements stay fresh and vibrant for longer so you can enjoy your prairie plantings both outdoors and in your home.

Prarie Garden

FAQs About Prairie Planting at Home

Here are some common questions and answers about prairie gardens to help you better understand and manage your own prairie planting.

How Do You Manage a Prairie Garden?

Maintaining a backyard prairie garden is easy if you follow a few gardening basics. Initially, it's important to control weeds to ensure your prairie planting doesn't get squeezed out. Once established, prairie gardens require minimal maintenance. Regular checks for invasive species and occasional pruning can help maintain the health of the garden. It's also beneficial to periodically divide perennials to prevent overcrowding. Time to expand your prairie or to share plants with pals!

Do Prairie Plantings Need a Lot of Water?

Prairie plantings are typically adapted to local climate conditions and usually don't require extensive watering. During the establishment phase, regular watering helps the new plants get settled. However, once established, these plants are quite drought-resistant thanks to their deep root systems. They are well-suited to withstand the natural rainfall patterns of most temperate regions.

What Do Prairie Plants Need to Survive?

Prairie plantings generally need full sun and well-drained soil to thrive. They are adapted to grow in the challenging conditions of the prairies, which include fluctuating temperatures and varying moisture levels. Time tested toughness. Most importantly, these prairie plantings need the space to grow and are best suited to environments that mimic the open, uncultivated conditions of natural prairies.

Can Prairie Planting Benefit Local Wildlife?

Yes, planting a prairie garden is highly beneficial for local wildlife! The diverse range of plants found in a backyard prairie garden provides habitat and food sources for a variety of animals, including birds, bees, and butterflies. This diversity creates a healthy ecosystem that supports pollinators and contributes to the overall health of the local environment.

Harvesting and Foraging in Your Prairie Garden with Oasis Forage Products

Make the most of your backyard prairie garden with quality products from Oasis Forage Products. Whether you're planting a prairie garden from scratch or enhancing an existing garden, we've got everything you need – from essential tools to stylish vessels. Our products are designed to help you create and maintain a vibrant, sustainable prairie garden with ease. Don't just dream about a sustainable backyard oasis; make it a reality!

Already living the Prairie Garden life? Visit us now to find all your foraging essentials and transform your yard today! OASIS Forage Products has everything you need to get started.

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